Sunday, March 8, 2009

Another music related post, this time about my speakers. Speakers operate using magnets, one reason why you arent supposed to put them on you computer desk near the hard drive or the screen, at least back when people still used CRT's. the magnets produce sound by affecting a n eletric coil around the center of the actual speaker. when a current is passed through the coil, the mgnets field causes a force that pushes upward. when the current reverses, the coil is pulled down. this is done rapidly to cause a vibration, which then produces a sound. to produce differnet frequencies of sound, the speaker must run current in each direction for certain amounts of time to cause a slower or faster vibration. for lower counds, the current goes in one direction for a longer period of time than higher sounds, which require a higher frequency. the speaker consists of both a permanent magnet, often neodymium, and the electromagnet of the coil.