Monday, September 22, 2008


I took this picture of a car being driven down a street near my house to domnstrate acceleration. now, the car had what i thought to be a constant velocity. however, acceleration happens anytime you either change speeed (which this car didnt) or direction. as this car went around the curve, he accelerated as the vector of his velocity changed. so, this ties into both the acceleration of past lessons and the current work with vectors and demonstrates the relationship between acceleration and speed and direction to vectors.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Blog 1


This is an example of physics. as i walked down the plastic piping (they are currently renovating the sewers or something near my house) i found that if i touched the metal rail, i would get shocked with thestatic electricity. the longer i walked down the pipe, the greater the shock. The rubber on the soles of my shoes takes electrons off of the piping as i walk down it because it is higher on the triboelectric series list of materials. so, when i touched the metal, the electrons are transfered to the metal in a process similar to that lightning undergoes.